When Bobie was 8 years old, she was enrolled in “The Path of Light School for the Handicapped” where she learnt to write her name. Bobie’s mother heard about our program from a friend. She requested for her daughter to join our project and did so in 2019. At first, she was very withdrawn and did not talk to anyone.
Gradually, we’ve seen changes in Bobie. She works and mingles well with other participants and with our staff. Occasionally she shouts out with joy. She knows how to respect everyone and has learned how to travel from her village to our project location. Apart from gardening she also helps a lot with the cooking. She has changed from an inward looking, almost silent and disinterested young adult into a lively young lady who smiles, chats, and enjoys life Her mother is very happy and thankful to our team as she sees tremendous change in her daughter’s life.