
In 2012 Nazira was 12 years old. She was neglected wore shabby clothes and did not care about her appearance. She was very sad, almost silent, thin and miserable looking girl. Her Mother died when she was little, and her father married again. Nazira was not loved by her stepmother and life became more difficult for her. Nazira struggles with Spastic Cerebral Palsy affecting her left arm and leg. She also has occasionally epileptic seizures. She walked

with an obvious limp, and she could not use her left arm much but held it bent and close to her body. She came for physiotherapy to Lamb’s Rehabilitation outpatient center. She was given exercises for her arm and leg and an arm splint to wear at night. Gradually

Nazira’s left arm and her leg function improved but she remained sad and withdrawn. One of our Rehab staff suggested that she might like to join our Vocational Training Program for differently abled people. She had low motivation and self-esteem and didn’t ask to join our program. We went to visit her at home and invited her personally. Since 2014 she has been part of our program and her life has changed significantly.

Making new friends, a daily routine, and earning her own salary has made her happier than before. To have community was healing for her isolated soul. Working, laughing, sharing, eating and singing, with others what was she so desperately needed. Nazira is dearly valued in our team, and she found her place in society again.

Her Father noticed the change in her life. He is very thankful that she found a place where she can feel welcomed and belong. She learned how to cook and how to tend the plants. She is a very bright young woman and an accomplished singer and dancer.

She loves shopping for new clothes and enjoys dressing nicely. She travels by bus on her own. Her family now sees her abilities more than her disabilities. Nazira continues to require regular help from the physiotherapy team. Her epileptic seizures have stopped completely.
